Founding CEOs Fired or Demoted By Their Own Companies

Apple co-founder Steve Jobs was forced out of the company he founded following his unsuccessful bid to have CEO John Sculley removed. He made his way back to the Apple when the company acquired [...]


Going Offshore For Workforce? Don’t Miss These 4 Tips

There’s a saying in big business that “your product is only as good as your team.” And I believe that 100%. That means, when you’re securing workforce for your budding company, you need to find [...]


No, You Don’t Have To Be In Silicon Valley, But You Might Want To Have Some Connections There

Silicon Valley is the place for entrepreneurship – the land of innovation and startups. But, it might not be the best place for you. I left Silicon Valley in 2000 because I needed a strong [...]


8 Steps To Developing An Early Stage Fundraising Strategy

You have an idea, and you want to build it into a company. The first thing you need in order to get your company off the ground is capital. Five years ago, if you wanted to start a company, you [...]