Senior Healthcare Promises Big Money For New Technologies And Startups

The holidays inherently make us think more about our family and loved ones. Many of us have older family members who struggle with their health. A few days ago, a colleague of mine told me about [...]


Happy New Year – Look For These Four Biggest Opportunities In 2019

As we approach the New Year, I like to look ahead to understand the key market opportunities and what 2019 has in store for technology startups. I also like to look back and think about the [...]


From Toronto To Silicon Valley – The Secret To Success For Women Entrepreneurs

Women around the world are rising up to fight for equal opportunities in the workforce. They, sick of the status quo, are using social media to mobilize against the injustices they face on a [...]


MaRs Has Become One Of The Largest Incubators In North America, And It Is Not Based In Silicon Valley

Walk down University Avenue in Toronto and you can practically feel the air pulsating with the energy of young engineers and entrepreneurs who call the area home. The coffee shops and buildings [...]


Funding for Early-Stage Startups: How Cisco and Plug and Play are Changing the Investment Game

You create a solid business plan, hire your first employees and even have some product development. You are ready for the big leagues, but you need cash investment to get you there. [...]


Sexual Harassment And The ‘Win at All Costs’ Mentality Of The Silicon Valley.

The startup community has a problem. It is rife with a desire to “win at all costs.” Startups are supposed to be cool and innovative, right? That’s what Silicon Valley, arguably the bellwether [...]


Invest Canada 2018 – How Canadian Entrepreneurs Are Changing The Country’s Economy

As an entrepreneur and investor, I truly enjoy learning about the countries and cities around the globe that are driving forward the startup economy. It’s no secret that I’m particularly [...]


Early Stage Startups Are Struggling, While VC Investment Dollars Are At All Time High.

It’s a mixed bag for startups and funding this year, according to the Q1 2018 PwC/CB Insights MoneyTree™ Report. Since the beginning of the year, the US has seen more than $21B in funding across [...]


Facebook’s New Focus On 5G and Golden Opportunity for Entrepreneurs

Facebook has come under mass scrutiny for the mishandling of user information, but that hasn’t stopped its innovation machine. Instagram, WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger keep growing and changing [...]


Autonomous Cars Won’t Work – Until We Have 5G

When it comes to autonomous vehicles, the speeds and data processing capabilities needed to mimic the timing of human reflexes are incredible. Dr. Joy Laskar, co-founder and CTO of Maja Systems, [...]